Flat brushing

Most watercolor artists use round brushes for at least 80% of their work as it gives them great control over the painting process. The flat brush is usually used for washing big areas or buildings and not an all-around brush for most artists.
I believe flats are a great tool for becoming more loose and impressionistic with your work, focusing more on connecting shapes, tone and establishing a rhythm rather than focusing on details and coloring inside the boxes.
So I’ve started using them for most of my recent work and there’s still a long way to go. Here are some of the examples:FullSizeRender(99)FullSizeRender(95)brod2simpleFullSizeRender(162)wetCountry


New year

This is my first post in 2017. and here are some new paintings I’ve finished in the last couple of months. I am exploring big, flat brushes and Chinese brushes in these works. Have a nice day!

If you like my work you can also find me on my Artfinder Shop and my Facebook page


A lot of new stuff

Hello everyone, I haven’t been quite active here lately, but here are some new stuff from the past few months.
I’ve been working on a new webpage portfolio of my art, which is currently in progress: BaricevicArt
Hope you like some of these and please comment, critique, share. I love reading every suggestion posible 😉




Catching the atmosphere

I’ve started working with softer brushes and concentrate on bigger shapes with fresh washes. The first painting is done in one go with soft blending for a a hazy mood and the second one is 2 washes: first a light color wash to set the mood and then a wash with strong pigment to set light with enhanced tone contrast. Hope you enjoy them! 😉
